Wednesday, October 16, 2024

javascript – Recreate Java code in python

I’ve a java code that I must move to python however I do not know which libraries to make use of and the way to begin and in the event you may help me I’d actually admire it

MNEMONIC = “twenty 4 mnemonic phrases hereí” ACCOUNT_KEY = “” WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY = “”

// We’ll generate 3 parameters right here // 1. hashSecret // 2. encryptedSecret // 3. hashPublicKey

const epochTimeNow = Fecha.ahora().toString()

const secret = getDeterministicTradeSecret(MNEMONIC, epochTimeNow) // This operate is outlined under const hashSecret = hash160(secret)

const encryptedSecret = encryptTradeSecret (secreto, ACCOUNT_KEY, indefinido)

const publicKey = privateKeyToPublic(privateKey) const hashPublicKey = hash160(publicKey)

const btc_trade_secrets = {crypted_secret:cryptedSecret, hash_secret:hashedSecret,hashed_public_key:hashedPublicKey,}

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